Past Trainings and Presentations
Cultivating Cultures of Belonging Training
Dell Medical School University of Texas
Austin, TX [August 4, 2023]
Ethical Communication Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [July 24 & August 28, 2023]
All Staff Retreat Facilitation and Food Justice Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [June 27- 28, 2023]
Transparent and Collaborative Approaches to Supervision
Program Managers National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [June 15, 2023]
Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Supervision Training for New Supervisors
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [May 22 & June 21, 2023]
Love is Respect Vision Setting and Team Building Retreat Facilitation
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [May 10, 2023]
Racial Equity and Food Justice Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [April 21, 2023]
Creating Cultures of Belonging Training
Up Partnership Excel Academy
San Antonio, TX [April 13, 2023]
Ethical Communication Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [March 27, 2023]
Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Supervision Training for New Supervisors
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [March 16; April 10; May 15, 2023]
Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Supervision Training for New Supervisors
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [March 24, 2023]
Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Supervision Leadership Team Training
Up Partnership
San Antonio, TX [January 30, 2023]
Towards Us and Us: Creating shared worlds and understandings on the road to equity, inclusion, and racial justice
Up Partnership- All staff two day training
San Antonio, TX [December 8-9, 2022]
Building Cultures of Belonging: Microaggressions and Repairing Harm
Up Partnership- Excel Academy
San Antonio, TX [November 10, 2022]
Values as our Compass Train the Trainer
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX (Zoom) [November 1, 2022]
All Staff Retreat Facilitation and Racial Equity Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [October 18-19, 2022]
Towards Us and Us: Creating shared worlds and understandings on the road to equity, inclusion, and racial justice
Up Partnership - Excel Academy
San Antonio, TX [September 15, 2022]
Ethics and Boundaries for Professional Success
Driscoll Children's Hospital- Nursing Department
[August 29, 2022]
Towards Us and Us: Creating shared worlds and understandings on the road to equity, inclusion, and racial equity
Travis County Health and Human Services
Austin, TX [August 11-12, 2022]
New Hire Appreciative Inquiry and Ethical Communication Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [August 5, 2022]
Executive Leadership Wellness Workshop
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [August 4, 2022]
Culture Setting through Shared Values and Agreements
Legal Voice
Austin, TX [July 26, 2022]
Appreciative Inquiry Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline - Shift Support Specialists
Austin, TX (Zoom) [July 19; November 3, 2022]
Appreciative Inquiry Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline - Training Team
Austin, TX (Zoom) [July 5, 2022]
Documentation Training for Program Services
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [May 26; July 21, 2022]
Racial Justice Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [May 2, 2022]
New Supervisor Appreciative Inquiry Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [April 18; May, 11; August 10; October 28, 2022]
Building Cultures of Belonging
Up Partnership - Excel Academy
San Antonio, TX [April 5, 2022]
Ethical Communication and Appreciative Inquiry
National Domestic Violence Hotline - New Hires
Austin, TX [March 21; May 16 2022]
Ethical Communication Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [March 17; April 6-7, 2022]
Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Supervision: Co-creating Excellence
National Domestic Violence Hotline -
Austin, TX [March 8, 2022]
Staff Retreat Facilitation and Racial Equity Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [March 2-3, 2022]
Appreciative Inquiry Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline - Mentors
Austin, TX [February 2, 2022]
Thriving in our work through Wellness and Values
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [January 25, 2022]
Appreciative Inquiry Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline - Shift Support
Austin, TX [January 26; March 15, 2022]
Thriving in our work through Wellness and Values
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [January 25, 2022]
Appreciative Inquiry Training for Supervisors
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [December 16, 2021]
Creating Cultures of Belonging
UP Partnership
San Antonio, TX [September 15, 2021]
Documenting for Professional Growth and Development Success
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [July 1; August 26, 2021]
Transformational Leadership: Conflict Management and Relationship Building
Board of Managers Central Health
Austin, TX [May 24; June 9, 2021]
Appreciative Inquiry Supervisor Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX (Zoom) [May 18; August 5; September 2; September 29, 2021]
Racial Justice Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [May 14; July 26; August 3, 2021]
Appreciative Inquiry Model of Supervision
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [March 11; April 14-15; May 12, 2021]
Moving as an Anti-Racist Organization
Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence
Austin, TX [January 7, 2021]
Collaborative Supervision through Appreciative Inquiry
Texas Council on Family Violence
Austin, TX (Zoom) [December 4, 2020]
Effective Anti-Racist Leadership
Las Comadres Para Las Americas
Austin, TX [November 14; November 22, 2020]
Racial Equity and Secondary Trauma
National Domestic Violence Hotline - Interns
Austin, TX [November 9; November 16; December 7; December 14, 2020]
Becoming an Antiracist Organization
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [October 28-29, 2020]
Racial Equity Training
Feeding Texas
Austin, TX [October 5-6, 2020]
Responding to this Moment: Psychologists’ roles in ethically treating and evaluating Latine migrants and their families
Arizona Psychological Association
Austin, TX [October 3, 2020]
Creating Cultures of Belonging
Feeding Texas Social Services Conference
Austin, TX [August 3, 2020]
Racial Equity Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [June 29; August 24; October 19, 2020]
Secondary Trauma Manager Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [May 19; June 3-4; September 10, 2020]
Appreciative Inquiry for New Managers Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [April 2; April 7, 2020]
Appreciative Inquiry Supervisor Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [March 5, 2020]
Leadership Retreat
Texas Council on Family Violence
Austin, TX [March 4, 2020]
Team Building and Leading for Excellence
Executive Leadership Team National Domestic Violence Hotline
Dripping Springs, TX [January 22, 2020]
Racial Equity Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [January 8; February 19; April 28-29, 2020]
Crafting Cultures of Belonging- Creating Shared Language & Understandings on the Road to Racial & Social Equity
Board of Directors American Civil Liberties Union of Texas
San Antonio, TX [October 26, 2019]
Creating Cultures of Belonging: Mapping Systems of Power to Make Our CASA Work Equitable for All Texas CASA Annual Conference Galveston, TX [October 24 and 25, 2019]
Leadership for Racial and Social Equity
Austin Independent School District Board of Directors
Austin, TX [October 21, 2019]
Asset-based Approaches to Working with Latinx Communities: Creating Shared Language & Understandings on the Road to Racial & Social Equity Alameda County Behavioral Health Department
Alameda, CA [October 17, 2019]
Appreciative Inquiry Supervisor Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [October 9, 2019]
Racial Equity Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [October 4, 2019]
Towards Us and Us: Intersectionality of Racial & LGBTQIA Equity within Food Justice Movements
Sustainable Food Center
Austin, Texas [October 3, 2019]
Leading for Racial and Social Equity Training
Austin Independent School District - Board of Directors
Austin, TX [September 30, 2019]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity in Child Welfare
Voices for Children—CASA of Brazos Valley
Bryan, TX [August 17, 2019]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity in Public Schools
Keller Independent School District
Keller, TX [May 20; July 15; July 30; August 2, 2019]
Towards Us and Us: Creating a Culture of Belonging
Comfort & Joy
San Francisco, CA [June 15, 2019]
Asset-Based Leadership: Building Stronger Organizations by Engaging, Rather than Overcoming, Difference
Texas CASA: 2019 Executive Director and Program Director Annual Forum
San Antonio, TX [April 30, 2019]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity in Child Welfare
Great Plains CASA
Hereford, TX [February 22 and 23, 2019]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [July 18, 21; September 21; November 3, 2018]
Appreciative Inquiry: Asset-Based Approaches to Supervision
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [August 22 and 23, 2018]
Ethical Communication: Pathways to Trust, Connection, and Engagement
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [August 22 and 23, 2018]
Pathways to Trust-Building: Communication and Appreciative Inquiry
Texas Council on Family Violence
Austin, TX [September 5, 2018]
Pathways to Trust-Building: Ethical and Effective Leadership through Communication
Texas Council on Family Violence
Austin, TX [September 7, 2018]
Towards Us and Us: Cooperative Board Governance through Racial & Social Equity
Board of Directors, Inter-Cooperative Council Austin (ICC Austin)
Austin, TX [January 27; September 8, 2018]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Child Welfare
Texas CASA: 2018 Texas CASA Conference
Denton, TX [October 19, 2018]
Transforming Traumatic Stress into Posttraumatic Growth
Keynote Presentation
Texas CASA: 2018 Texas CASA Conference
Denton, TX [October 20, 2018]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Child Welfare
Texas CASA
Austin, TX [November 29 and 30, 2018]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Food Justice
Executive Leadership, Central Texas Food Bank
Austin, TX [March 28, 2018]
Thriving in our Work through Wellness
Ronald McDonald Charities
Austin, TX [February 15, 2018]
ACC Racial Equity Summit Emcee and Trainer
Austin Community College (ACC)
Austin, TX [February 9-10, 2018]
Towards Us and Us: Board Governance, Racial & Social Equity, and Domestic Violence
Board of Directors, National Domestic Violence Hotline
Nashville, TN [January 25, 2018]
Towards Us and Us: Racial and Social Equity and Community Colleges
Austin Community College
Austin, TX [December 15, 2017]
The Ethical Mandate for Self-Care
Texas Psychological Association Annual Conference
Houston, TX [November 27, 2017]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Food Justice
Sustainable Food Center Community Gardens
Austin, TX [October 26, 2017]
Thriving after Breast Cancer
East Texas Medical Center
Tyler, TX [October 6, 2017]
Leading Racial Equity Change Processes
President’s Cabinet, Austin Community College
Austin, TX [October 5, 2017]
Towards Us and Us: Racial and Social Equity and Community Colleges
Leadership Training, Austin Community College
Austin, TX [September 8, 2017]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity, Youth Leadership, and Food Justice
Board of Directors, Urban Roots
Austin, TX [April 8, 2017]
Towards Us and Us: Racial and Social Equity and Community Colleges
Leadership Training, Austin Community College
Austin, TX [February 16, 2017]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Food Justice
Board of Directors, Sustainable Food Center
Austin, TX [January 24, 2017]
Racial Equity Leadership
Austin Community College
Austin, TX [December 2, 2016]
Staff and Board Retreat Facilitation
National Performance Network
Austin, TX [September 9, 2016]
Towards Us and Us: Racial and Social Equity and Animal Welfare
Board of Directors, Emancipet Staff
Austin, TX [July 22, 2016]
Values Based Leadership: Texas Public Policy and Civic Engagement Training
Las Comadres Para Las Americas
Austin, TX [July 16, 2016]
Thriving in Our Work
Keynote and Plenary
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence Spring Institute
[April 28-29, 2016]
Towards Us and Us: Racial and Social Equity and Community Colleges
Austin Community College
Austin, TX [April 21, 2016]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Food Justice
Sustainable Food Center
Austin, TX [March 3, 2016]
Thriving in our Work: Secondary Trauma Prevention
International Order of the Golden Rule Funeral Service Professionals
Austin, TX [February 29, 2016]
Thriving in our Work: Burnout and Secondary Trauma Prevention
Keynote Presentation
Texas Attorney General's Office Crime Victim Division Conference
Corpus Christi, TX [February 22, 2016]
Thriving in our Work: Workplace Wellness
Grassroots Leadership
Austin, TX [February 18, 2016]
Racial Equity in Student Services
Palo Alto College
San Antonio, TX [February 12, 2016]
Towards Us and Us: Racial & Social Equity and Food Justice
Sustainable Food Center
Austin, TX [January 28, 2016]
Thriving in Our Work: Preventing Secondary Trauma
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Annual Conference
[March 2, 2015]
Liberation through Wellness
Women's Empowerment Conference
Austin, Texas [March 8, 2015]
Towards Us and Us: Creating Shared Worlds and Understandings for Student Success Equity
Alamo Colleges: Student Success Summit
San Antonio, TX [March 20, 2015]
Towards Us and Us: The Role of the Board in Creating Shared Worlds and Understandings on the Road to Success Equity
Board of Trustees Institute
Santa Fe, NM [March 26, 2015]
Appreciative Inquiry Leadership Training
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [April 27, 2015]
Secondary Trauma Healing and Prevention
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Austin, TX [April 29, 2015]
Thriving in Our Work: Wellness and Self Care Strategies
Austin Community College: YouFair
Austin, TX [June 10, 2015]
Emotional Intelligence and Multigenerational Employees
Keynote presentation
The American College of Healthcare Executives, Central Texas Chapter
and the National Forum for Latino Healthcare Executives Caucus Educational Event
[June 12, 2015]
Towards Us and Us: Creating Shared Worlds and Understandings with Culturally Diverse Clients
Texas Psychological Association Conference
San Antonio, TX [June 13, 2015]
Effective Leadership in Higher Education
Austin Community College Leadership Track
Austin, TX [June 25, 2015]
Effective Leadership in the Movement
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
and Texas Council on Family Violence Prevention Conference
[June 30, 2015]
Self-Care for Women: Thriving in our Work and Lives
Ladies First Luncheon, Mission Regional Medical Center
Mission, Texas [August 6, 2015]
Thriving as Educators!
Becker Elementary School
Austin, TX [August 18, 2015]
Board Leadership and Roles Training
Texas Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists
[September 19, 2015]
Wellness and Self-Care Strategies
Caritas of Austin
Austin, TX [October 8, 2015]
Leadership and Management
Austin Community College
Austin, TX [October 29, 2015]
Multicultural Competence in the Delivery of Technology Mediated Mental Health Services
Texas Psychological Association Annual Conference
[November 12, 2015]
Thriving in our Work: Self Care for Maximizing Joy and Productivity in the Workplace
Austin Community College
[May 2, 2014 and August 22, 2014]
Preventing and Treating Secondary Trauma: Self-care in Crisis Work
Plenary and One Day Workshops
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
[May 7, May 9, June 2, June 4, June 6 2014]
Cultural Competence in the Community College Classroom: What Professors can do to Close the Student Success Equity Gaps
Austin Community College
Austin, TX [June 20, 2014]
Values-Driven Leadership
Texas Public Policy And Civic Engagement Training Program, Las Comadres Para Las Americas
[July 12, 2014]
The Facts We Face and the Future We Shape
Student Success Institute, Engaging Latino Students for Transfer and College Completion
San Antonio, Texas [September 12, 2014]
Tools to Become a Great Leader through Understanding Leadership Styles and Theories
Austin Community College
Austin, TX [October 30, 2014]
Immigration and Psychology: Forensic Evaluations of Immigrant Women
Texas Psychological Association Annual Convention [2013]
Towards Us and Us: Creating Shared Understandings on the Road to Multicultural Equity
Keynote Speech
Austin Community College Equity Summit
Austin, TX [2013]
Secondary Trauma Prevention
2nd World Conference of Women's Shelters
Washington, DC [2012]
Motivation and Peak Performance through Wellness Strategies
Las Comadres para las Americas Health Retreat
Austin, TX [2012]
Secondary Trauma Healing and Prevention
AVDA (Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse) Legal Advocacy and Battering Intervention and Prevention Programs
Houston, TX [2012]
Building Anti-Racist Multicultural Organizations
Texas Association Against Sexual Assault Annual Conference
Peak Performance and Motivation Strategies for Work Success
American Innovations
Austin, TX [2011]
Using Wellness Strategies to Enhance Productivity and Reach Goals
American Innovations
Austin, TX [2011]
Secondary Trauma Healing and Prevention
Texas Council on Family Violence Making it Real Conference
Austin, TX [2011]
Multicultural Competence
St. Edward's University, RA Training Week
Austin, TX [2010]
Wellness Programs and Healthy Work Cultures
National Council on Domestic Violence Annual Conference
Anaheim, CA [2010]
Building a Healthy Work Culture for Peak Performance and Optimum Work Satisfaction
SAAFE (Sexual Assault & Abuse Free Environment) House
Huntsville, TX [2010]
Trauma Healing and Prevention through Wellness Strategies
Help Hope and Healing Conference
El Paso, TX [2007]
Secondary Trauma Prevention
Texas Attorney General's Office Crime Victim Division Conference
Harlingen, TX [2007]
Empowerment through Self Love and Compassion
Las Comadres para las Americas, Real Beauty Dove Presentation
Austin, TX [2007]
Posttraumatic Growth through Wellness Strategies
Texas Adult Protective Services Region 11 Annual Conference
South Padre Island, TX [2008]
Self-Care and Wellness for Personal and Professional Success
allgo's annual Leadership Summit - Austin, TX [2008, 2010]
Wellness Strategies for Trauma Recovery
Texas Council on Family Violence Survivor's Caucus
Austin, TX [2008]
Effective Leadership through Wellness Practices and Programs
Texas Council on Family Violence Executive Director's Conference
Austin, TX [2008, 2009]
Leadership, Goal Achievement, Motivation and Wellness
Hispanic Austin Leadership (HAL) Program
Austin, TX [2009]
Health and Wellness Strategies for Healthy Families and Communities
Congreso para el Bienestar de la Familia, a collaboration of American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and Univision 62
Austin, TX [2009]