Leadership Development
Leaders play a vital role in cultivating organizations that can successfully achieve missions. To do this effectively we need to unlearn messaging that makes the task of leading harmful to leaders and teams. Transformative leaders have to be able to exercise the courage and develop the skills to be consistently vulnerable, authentic, transparent, vision and mission driven, strategic and values grounded. This means resisting seemingly easy short cuts of power-over, competition, and “never letting them see you sweat” and insisting on collaboration, co-creation, mutuality, humanity, kindness, and striving for excellence. It is key to understand that leaders are leaders not because they are “better” or more valuable than any other team member, but rather because they have agreed to play a role in service of the team and may have experience and skills that help them be effective in that role.
We support leadership development through executive coaching, key-note speaking, and large or small group trainings that focus on developing skills in:
Co-creation and collaboration
Embracing ambiguity and complexity
Managing change
Effective and Ethical Communication
Giving meaningful support
Fostering a learning culture
Cultivating conditions for innovation, creativity, and inspiration
Psychological Safety
Being relational rather than transactional
Cultivating conditions for intrinsic motivation
Value-aligned supervision
Play and Joy